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Welcome to evey! Your women’s only safe space to learn how to weight train safely and correctly without the fear of any judgment or negativity.


We're Hawaa & Bobby! After years of training at the best gyms with top equipment and the most up-to-date training methods, it was frustrating to still see barely any women on the gym floor! With studies showing over 70% of women have had intimidating or negative experiences on the gym floor, with over 30% citing that as a reason to avoid the area, who can blame them? With current spaces specifically for women tending to be poorly equipped and not of great quality, we wanted to do something about it. evey was born to bring professional-level training to more women and give women the confidence and know-how to train on any gym floor. You deserve better!

Join evey today and you'll wish you started sooner!

At our women-only weight lifting group PT sessions, we teach you to strength train correctly and effectively to support you on your journey to reach your goals - whatever they may be! Whether it's weight loss, bootyliciousness, beautiful abs, all the way to building super stamina, endurance, and strength. You'll feel fully supported the whole way and guarantee you'll feel more confident. We've got you!


Increased confidence in the gym in safe supporting, women only environment.

Build your strength, fitness and improve your posture and technique.

Reach your goals with our sustainable approach to training & body transformation




Our Plans

The Foundations Program


Don't be deceived by the name, this program won't be easy. These 8 weeks are tailored to each individual joining and follow a progressive training program for all levels. Whether you are a complete beginner or experienced with weight training. It's suitable for anyone looking to refine their technique and solidify their movements for the best results and guaranteed transformation. You'll learn how to train the right way under evey.



The Monthly Membership


This is designed for those of you who have completed the Foundations, built a strong base under evey's guidance and teaching, thus putting you in a great place to either train with confidence by yourself in the gym or join our monthly membership where you can train x3 a week with evey and our PTs. 


For those who've completed their 8 week Foundation program with us, priority is given to our Monthly Membership. The Foundations program focuses on fundamental areas crucial for effective weight training and results. Correct movement, muscle engagement and technique are essential components addressed during these 8 weeks. We assess your movement across many different exercises to ensure correct and proper development. Each week of the program aims to increase fitness, strength, and prepares you for more advanced movements in the monthly sessions.


This is why we strongly advise and encourage ladies who haven't trained with evey before to join one of the Foundations courses first.


If you have some background in weights and are unable to complete the Foundations program, you can still join. However, we highly recommend starting your journey with the Foundations program. You'll get much more out of your Monthly Membership if you complete this first!


Foundations Program

Build a solid foundation


8 weeks

Wednesday 10.30am


Sunday 12.30pm

Monthly Membership

Progess to x3 a week


per month


Tuesday 8.30pm

Friday 7.30pm

Sunday 11am

A portion of your booking goes towards women's focused charities that we support. Currently, we're supporting Our Sisters Happiness whose main objectives are Widow Empowerment and Orphan Career Development in Nigeria. We're also supporting an independent charity in Uganda that provides educational sponsorship and support to those who otherwise wouldn't have the opportunity.


'Faith, 25, is in her third year at university in the capital of Uganda, Kampala. This is a long way away from her home in the West of the country. She takes responsibility for her young brother, Ephraim. Faith herself is brilliant, very focused and likely to achieve a First class degree in business administration. The mother is old and very sick - looked after by Faith's sister. Faith has played football for Uganda in pan-African uni competitions. She is in regular contact with me and I mentor her with emotional support as needed.'


At evey, we take immense pride in our team of professional and experienced trainers who are dedicated to helping you unleash your true fitness potential. Our trainers possess a wealth of knowledge, certifications, and real-world experience, making them the perfect guides on your fitness journey.