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Foundation Program

What's included? 


  • 1x60 minute session per week.

  • Limited size group with two PT's.

  • Full-time support via WhatsApp.

  • Check-ins and access to our support after the program.

  • Our nutrition guide to educate you on how to eat well and in a way you'll enjoy that will support your goal.

  • Access to video material for all the exercises we cover with you.

  • A training programme to implement at the end of the 8 weeks.



Our Foundation Group is learning from the ground up. Building a solid technique base from which to grow. Basing exercises around the 5 major movements - Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, Rows, and Overhead Press. You'll progress each week in different ways - whether with a new training technique, a completely new exercise, a more challenging weight, or a different tempo. The program is designed to help you learn and grow in confidence week after week, as well as being challenging. Suitable for absolute beginners, even if you've never touched a weight in your life. But don't be fooled by its name, foundation does not mean easy - this group will still be a challenge regardless of your experience, and everything will be catered to you. Book below to get started! 

  • Starting on Sunday 19th of January. Time: 12.30pm

    Starts Jan 19

    180 British pounds

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